Our Voice

College Artist Spotlight

Melissa Dunderdale - January 4, 2021

Cards2College is all about community and helping college students.  We’ve launched a new Theme pack series Encouragement cards. The covers for these cards were created for Cards2College by a college student, Samantha Minatti.


Samantha Minatti is a local artist in Philadelphia who focuses on watercolor and pen ink prints. She got her undergraduate degree at University of Delaware and is currently in graduate school at University of Pennsylvania, studying education. She is so excited to be working with Cards2College and have her art go to a cause that is really important to her! “Especially during these uncertain times mental health for our college students is more important than ever.”

You can purchase art or request a custom print at: https://samanthaminatticom.wordpress.com/

Or follow her on Instagram at: @samakesart


Cards2College is also hoping to give back to Samantha to help with college expenses.  So, $5 for every Encouragement theme pack sold between now and April 4th will be donated to Samantha!